
Woolaston Entertainment, was originally created in 1994, with the sketch of the first character, a black cat named Vanessa. From there, I began creating several characters, writing several books, and drawing a series of comic strips. The W.E. or “Woolent” you see today, was founded in 2009, with the publication of “Fortune’s Wing”. Today, Woolent is a collection of  writing, poetry, artwork, photography, and comics. This website is my way of sharing my creations and my mother’s writing with the rest of the world.

About the Authors

My name is Nicole E. Woolaston. I was born in Queens, New York, and I’ve lived in both NY and  VA. I began writing books for myself in first grade, and continued to do so, even after I graduated from high school. Writing became my passion, after reading “Bunnicula” by James Howe, in second grade. When I learned animals could be used as characters through personification, I realized anything was possible in writing.  I published my first book, Fortune’s Wing, in 2009. I’m also an artist, who loves anime and punk rock. My mother swears I have a great singing voice, though I beg to differ. Follow me on my Amazon Author PageTwitter: @NicoleWoolent Facebook, and the Valentine Facebook PageTumblrGoodreads, and Mastodon: @nicolewoolent@mastodon.social

June E. Parris was born and raised in the borough of Queens in the great state of New York. She has worked for the United States Army, and raised a daughter as a single mother. She’s a fan of paranormal reality shows and psychological thrillers. She was encouraged to become a writer by her daughter, Nicole. She published her first book, The Kindness of Strangers, ​in 2016.  So far, she has published three books, and she has many more up her sleeve. Follow June on her Amazon Author Page and Goodreads

Woolaston Entertainment Books and Series

June E. Parris:

The Kindness of Strangers

A Rose Left Behind

A New England Serial Killer

The Resurrection of Georgia


Nicole E. Woolaston:


What Are Readers Saying About W.E. Books?

New cover of Valentine

Very good!!  Val is a “tough girl”; for the millennium.  It’s refreshing to read a story where the characters, plot and dialogue are completely new .  I hope to read more from this author.  —Elaine2013, bn.com

I joined Goodreads to get acquainted with some new authors and, I was lucky enough to win this book. Nicole E. Woolaston writes her heart out! If you like the idea of a woman, who doesn’t take any crap, you will love her Valentine Series. She doesn’t take any crap, yet, she is full of heart. This book is fast paced, with something always going on. I look forward to reading the next saga in Val’s life.    —–Kathryn Green, Goodreads.com

Allan and Mac

Allan & Mac:
Let me begin by saying this story has some really great dialogue. Allan and Mac both work as hitmen, which is, a dangerous profession. But the light-hearted and sarcastic exchanges between them make you forget that they’re being paid to kill people. Its the first in a sister-series to Woolaston’s “Valentine” series, and its worth checking out. —ebunny88, bn.com

I loved Mac she was so gutsy. She wasn’t afraid to do her job. Love the black dress story.—-jparris, woolastonentertainment.com

Love Mac’s personality and the banal commentary while indulging in the least mundane activity. Keep it comin’!— Jennifer, jukepop.com

A Rose Left Behind:

I thought this was such a wonderful story. It starts out as a story about a nice, loving family, and then it takes on a supernatural element. I liked the idea of the family recognizing they have a spirit among them, and instead of being afraid, they try to connect with her. And the cover is sweet, too! I really enjoyed reading this.—–Ebunny, goodreads.com

Fortune’s Wing

Fortune’s Wing:
Really enjoyed this book. The author is very creative , and the dialogue is very well written. This is a must read.—Robert, goodreads.com

I had the pleasure to read an amazing book written by an amazing author. Fortune’s Wing had me from the very first paragraph. It was well written and kept moving with great anticipation as to what will happen in the next chapter of the book. I can’t wait to read the next book…and would like to see all of these characters come to life on the BIG SCREEN. Kudos to Ms Nicole Woolaston on a job well done. What more can I say: I LOVED FORTUNE’S WING!!! Now, I have family members who wants to read the book!!—-Pam Coghill, woolastonentertainment.com

new cover of OLORR Extended

Our Lady of Righteous Rage: Extended and Uncensored:
While I enjoyed the previous version of this book, I have to say I prefer this edition. Uncensoring this story makes for much more interesting reading. The cursing isn’t excessive, which is nice, but it suits the story and the characters. Plus, I really enjoyed the fake Rolling Stone interview at the end. If you haven’t read the original version, its okay to start with this one. Personally, I hope the author publishes uncensored versions of all of her work from now on.  –Ebunny, goodreads.com

The censored edition of this book was good, the uncensored edition was even better. I think adding the swearing back into the dialogue, enhanced the overall “punk” feeling of the story. I hope Nicole Woolaston writes the rest of the Our Lady books in this way.  –RM1978, goodreads.com

What happens when you mix Cats with Punk Music?? Something freaking awesome is what!! —Stephanie Young, goodreads.com

Read the full review here:https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1844311051?book_show_action=true&from_review_page=1

Amazon reviews are here! :https://www.amazon.com/Our-Lady-Righteous-Rage-Uncensored-ebook/dp/B01E1PZNUQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1498496313&sr=8-1&keywords=our+lady+of+righteous+rage+extended#customerReviews


The Woolaston Entertainment Patreon Page!

May 2024

Journals from the Woolaston Entertainment Stationery Collection

Woolaston Entertainment Stationery Collection available on Amazon!





Subscribe to the Woolaston Entertainment YouTube Channel!

Please visit my Writing Workshop, running from September 11 2023 until November 30, 2023



Check out my articles on Bauce Magazine’s website here:

“The High Cost of Fitting In” http://baucemag.com/theres-high-cost-to-fitting-in-not-what-you-think/

“Credit Cards Ruin Lives” http://baucemag.com/nobody-warned-me-credit-cards-ruin-lives/



Our Lady of Righteous Rage: Extended and Uncensored
The Witch of Fulton Lane